One of the leading award-winning comic performers in South Africa is Alan Committie.
He has performed around the world, including in the UK and the USA. Alan trained as an actor before dedicating himself to stand-up comedy and theatre performance, which is why he is best known for his comic one-man shows.
Committie has won three acting awards along the way of returning to straight theatre at least once every 12 to 15 months. After 8 years as the star of the Broadway hit Defending the Caveman, Alan Committie wrote a hugely successful sequel called Love Factually, which he continues to present at corporate and charity events. One of the leading award-winning comic performers in South Africa is Alan Committie.
He has performed around the world, including in the UK and the USA. Alan trained as an actor before dedicating himself to stand-up comedy and theatre performance, which is why he is best known for his comic one-man shows. Committie has won three acting awards along the way of returning to straight theatre at least once every 12 to 15 months.
After 8 years as the star of the Broadway show Defending the Caveman, Alan Committie wrote a hugely successful sequel called Love Factually which he continues to perform at corporate and charity events.
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